The mobile worker becomes a full network citizen

With the SCO Vision Family, all UNIX services are available, whether in the office or on the road. So dial-up PC users are full network citizens and can access UNIX as though they were directly connected to the network.

The SCO Vision Family delivers innovative technology that meets the demands of your business. Using the SCO Vision Family for running X applications saves valuable start-up time, giving immediate productivity improvements and enhancing user mobility.

Users of resource-intensive X applications will be familiar with the long wait while the X server is restarted. The SCO Vision FamilyÆs unique SCO Vision Resume capability can suspend an X session and restart it later at exactly the point it was left -- without the wait.

This can be used to:

  • suspend at one desk and resume elsewhere on the intranet
  • suspend an X session in the office and restart it on the road
  • suspend activities while the PC is rebooted
  • hand a session over to the help-desk for problem solving
  • have an X application load or run a process while you travel to another location